Semiconductor refrigeration technology

Semiconductor refrigeration technology is widely used in the current refrigeration technology. During the growth of crops in the greenhouse, semiconductor refrigeration technology can effectively control the environmental temperature, especially for some plants with high requirements for the environment. Using semiconductor refrigeration technology to shape the growth environment can promote the growth of plants. Semiconductor refrigeration technology has reversibility, which can be used for refrigeration and heating, and has good effect on the adjustment of ambient temperature. [8] 
Operating principle
The application principle of semiconductor refrigeration technology is based on the Peltier principle. In 1834, French scientist Peltier discovered semiconductor refrigeration. The Peltier principle is also called "Peltier benefit" "Yes, that is to make full use of two different conductors. The circuit composed of a and B is connected with DC power. Joule heat can be generated at the junction of the circuit and some other heat will be released. At this time, it will be found that the other junction is not releasing heat but absorbing heat. This phenomenon is reversible. As long as the direction of the current is changed, the operation of heat release and heat absorption can be adjusted There is a positive relationship between the intensity of the flow and the heat absorbed and the heat released, as well as the nature of the semiconductor itself. Since the Peltier effect of metal materials is relatively weak, and the effect of semiconductor materials based on the Peltier principle will be stronger, so the semiconductor becomes the main raw material in the refrigeration materials. However, in the use of this kind of material, it should be noted that the dimensionless value of most semiconductor materials is close to 1, which is lower than the solid theoretical model. The result obtained from the calculation of the actual data is 4. Therefore, in the application of semiconductor materials, in order to make the rational use of semiconductor refrigeration technology, it is necessary to conduct in-depth research