What is the difference between chips, semiconductors and integrated circuits?

Semiconductors refer to materials with conductivity between conductor and insulator at room temperature. Common semiconductor materials include silicon, germanium, gallium arsenide, etc. Silicon is the most influential one in the application of various semiconductor materials. Compared with conductors and insulators, the discovery of semiconductor materials was the latest. Until the 1930s, when the purification technology of materials was improved, the existence of semiconductors was really recognized by the academic community. Semiconductor is mainly composed of four components: integrated circuit, photoelectric device, discrete device and sensor. Since integrated circuit accounts for more than 80% of devices, semiconductor and integrated circuit are usually equivalent. According to the product category, integrated circuits are mainly divided into four categories: microprocessors, memories, logic devices and simulators. Usually we call them chips. Integrated circuits can integrate analog and digital circuits on a single chip to make devices such as analog to digital converters and digital to analog converters. This circuit provides smaller size and lower cost.