What are the challenges and opportunities faced by fingerprint identification FPC in the development of 5G in the United States


                What are the challenges and opportunities faced by fingerprint identification FPC in the development of 5G in the United States1. Basic information

  1. Basic information

5G is a series of fifth-generation wireless communication technologies that can significantly improve mobile communication in many ways. The FPC found that 5G can provide faster data throughput, more reliable communication connection, and faster network response time than 4G. It can be used in fields such as autonomous vehicles, smart manufacturing, and telemedicine.

The working frequency band of 4G is lower than 2.6 Gigahertz, while 5G uses the middle frequency band up to 6 Ghz and the high frequency band of more than 24 Ghz. Because higher frequencies can support faster data throughput rates, 5G is at least 20 times faster than 4G. But the higher the signal frequency, the lower its ability to penetrate walls and other obstacles. To solve this problem, 5G may need to deploy more and smaller cellular antennas.

The characteristics of different 5G frequency bands are quite different and can be selected as appropriate. An example is a flexible circuit board factory. For example, due to the good combination of transmission range and data capacity, the mid-band is suitable for fields such as self-driving vehicles that require ultra-reliable and low-latency communications; Fields such as cities or stadiums.

2. Opportunities

 "Report" pointed out that before the completion of 5G communication network, it may be difficult to achieve major innovations. However, 5G does bring several development opportunities for the United States:

①High bandwidth applications. 5G faster communication connection and data throughput rate will promote the development of cloud services, video streaming, large-scale games, virtual and augmented reality applications.

② Internet of Things. 5G's ultra-high data capacity can simultaneously connect a large number of devices, such as sensors that support smart transportation and logistics systems, smart factories, and smart cities.

③ Mission critical communication. 5G can realize ultra-reliable and low-latency communication, which can make autonomous vehicles, industrial equipment, robots and drones operate more reliably.

④ Economic benefits. The deployment of 5G can bring a large number of new jobs to the United States and generate billions of dollars in economic benefits.

3. Challenge

The "Report" analyzes the many challenges that 5G will face:

① Spectrum management. To promote the development of 5G, US federal agencies need to ensure that spectrum is available, especially in crowded mid-band, while balancing the renewal of existing users. The circuit board factory learned that relevant researchers are also developing new technologies to optimize spectrum usage.

② Infrastructure construction. Low-latency, high-bandwidth applications require the deployment of a large amount of infrastructure, including fiber optics and small cells. Deploying these infrastructures can be costly and requires skilled staff.

③ Network security. Although 5G is expected to enhance network security, the deployment of a large number of 5G network components increases the risk of network vulnerabilities. In addition, as foreign companies dominate the 5G supply chain, the deployment of 5G may have potential national security risks.

④Digital divide. 5G may be mainly deployed in densely populated urban areas. This will make it difficult for rural and low-income regions to obtain the benefits brought by 5G, which in turn will widen the digital divide.

⑤Privacy. 5G base stations are denser than 4G base stations, which enables 5G networks to provide more accurate location data and increase the risk of privacy exposure.
