Product Description

​XCKU3P-2FFVD900I is an electronic component produced by Xilinx, available in BGA packaging with batch numbers 21+and 22+. This component belongs to the FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) category and is suitable for various electronic devices and systems.

Product Detail

XCKU3P-2FFVD900I is an electronic component produced by Xilinx, available in BGA packaging with batch numbers 21+and 22+. This component belongs to the FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) category and is suitable for various electronic devices and systems. According to the provided information, the price of XCKU3P-2FFVD900I varies in different regions and suppliers. For example, the minimum order price in Chengdu, Sichuan is 10.00 yuan, while the price in Shenzhen, Guangdong is as high as 198.00 yuan. In addition, the batch number, packaging form, brand, quantity and other information of the component are also listed in detail, demonstrating its wide application and importance in the electronics industry

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