Product Description

XCVU7P-1FFVA2104I I did not directly find a detailed introduction for the specific model of XCVU7P-1FFVA2104I. However, it can be inferred from the search results that XCVU7P-1FFVA2104I is likely an FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array)

Product Detail

XCVU7P-1FFVA2104I I did not directly find a detailed introduction for the specific model of XCVU7P-1FFVA2104I. However, it can be inferred from the search results that XCVU7P-1FFVA2104I is likely an FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) product from AMD/Xilinx Kintex UltraScale+series. Here are some possible characteristics and specifications summarized based on search results:

Manufacturer and Series:

Manufacturer: AMD/Xilinx

Series: Kintex UltraScale+

Packaging and pins:

Package: FBGA-2104 (or similar, may vary slightly depending on the model suffix)

Pin count: may include 884 I/O pins (note that this is based on the specification of XCVU7P-1FLVA2104I, but XCVU7P-1FFVA2104I may be similar)

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